Tejaswini Maharashtra Rural Women Empowerment Program
- In Maharashtra, the project achieved strong results in relation to financial inclusion, with the majority of SHGs having active bank loans at project completion.
- According to IFAD’s project evaluation report realeased in July 2020, Tejaswini developed a successful model of self-financing SHG apex organizations that provide valued economic and social services to poor and marginalized women.
- Tejaswini aimed to strengthen existing and form new SHGs, with a target of 62,675 SHGs in Maharashtra and during the last couple of years, 315 Community Managed Resouce Centres (CMRCs) were formed in Maharashtra but 10 were closed and 5 were merged with others in a drive to achieve sustainability. Of the remaining 300 CMRCs, 232 were supported by MAVIM directly and 68 were supported by
Resource NGOs.
- During the course of the evaluation project, it was recorded that 86 per cent of SHGs had been credit-linked with banks and 79 per cent ofeligible SHGs had active bank loans at project completion.