Vimalaben Dabhi, a mother of three, attended an awareness meeting by Utthan about the Biogas plant. She survived on 1 acre of landholding, with her family depended on agriculture and rear livestock of 5 cows and buffaloes.

Before biogas installment, collecting firewood and cooking was a lengthy process. In November 2019, the unit installation was started after the VDC approved her taking up the demonstration. She contributed Rs.10,000, and the project contribution of Rs.24,500 helped to install a 2 cubic meter plant in her field.

The unit produces 30 kgs per month, used as organic fertiliser, and led to better agricultural output. It also saves time and money for firewood collection. The opportunity cost of using LPG cylinders would have been Rs.4900/year for about 7 cylinders. Biogas installation helped her save cylinder and transportation cost. It is rightly said that one great opportunity can change the game. Utthan awareness meeting guided her to become self-reliant and independent to run her own business.