51-year-old women situated in Yellapur city of Uttara Kannada District, backed her family and physically weak husband through her entrepreneurial spirit and the constant support of Supriya SHG. She started with nut cutting work but was earning meagre amount of money. She took a 50,000 loan from Supriya SHG, promoted by Manuvikasa, and begin her incense stick business. Manuvikasa later supported her by linking a 1 lakh loan from Syndicate bank through SHG for her paper plate business. Every month she uses five quintals paper reams by investing Rs. 5000 per quintals and earned a net profit of Rs. 1500 per quintal and now making Rs.7500 per month. She empowered herself and became capable of assisting her family with constant guidance and encouragement provided by SHG and EdelGive.